直至1957年Lazare Kaplan呢位頂級嘅技師出現前,橢圓形鑽石都未被認可成一種成熟嘅切割方式。喺珠寶世家長大的Lazare成功完善咗橢圓形鑽石嘅切割,而呢個成就亦令佢嘅名字流傳後世。

Did you know: History of oval diamond

Oval shaped diamond was not recognised as a mature cutting until the debut of Lazare Kaplan, a soon-to-be world class technician. Born in a family well-known in the jewellery industry, Lazare’s achievement in perfecting the oval shape cutting in the year 1957 earned him a spot in the Jewellers International Hall of Fame.
Due to its unique shape, an oval shaped diamond will appear larger than a round brilliant shape with the same carat, while making the wearer’s finger look slimmer.