希望鑽石(The Hope Diamond)是世界上現存最大嘅一顆藍色鑽石,重45.52卡並具有極為罕見嘅深藍色調。目前,該鑽石藏於美國首都華盛頓國立自然博物館中。傳說中佢係一顆受詛咒嘅鑽石,會為擁有者帶來厄運。早喺1642年,法國探險家兼珠寶商塔韋尼埃於印度西南部得到呢塊巨大嘅寶石。自此之後, 接踵而來一宗又一宗嘅慘案都被歸咎於呢顆寶石嘅「厄運」。其中最有名嘅「受害者」之一就係法國國王路易十六。

Does beauty really come with a curse? The Hope Diamond Curse
The Hope Diamond is the largest blue diamond currently existing. Weighing 45.52 carats and presents a very rare fancy dark greyish-blue hue, the diamond has been on permanent exhibition at the National Museum of Natural History in Washington since 1958 until the present day. Earliest records of the diamond date back to 1642 when French adventurer and jewellery merchant Jean-Baptiste Tavernier discovered it in Southwest India. Legends say the gem is cursed – it was accused to be the cause of one after another tragedy happened to those who owned or wore it. One of the famous “victims” of the stone was French King Louis XVI.
In fact, all the victims’ stories were merely fictional, thus this gorgeous diamond has actually been framed for years.