

紅色鑽石嘅稀有度係根據佢地嘅色調同顏色深淺而定。其中一顆最著名嘅紅色鑽石The Hancock Red——一顆重0.95卡嘅圓形鑽石,有最罕見嘅深紫紅色調並於1987年以88萬美元售出。

Which coloured diamond is the rarest among the colour spectrum?

As we have mentioned before, any fancy coloured diamond worths a fortune.  However, the rarest colour among the entire spectrum shall be red diamonds.

To demonstrate their rarity, there are approximately only 20-30 true red diamonds till this day, most do not exceed half a carat.

An individual rarity of a red diamond is determined by its hue and tone. One of the most famous red diamond – The Hancock Red, a 0.95 carat round brilliant red diamond with the rarest deep purplish red hue, was sold at a whopping US$880,000 at 1987.