1. 定期以暖水清洗及風乾
4. 用軟布擦拭
1. 佩戴首飾做劇烈運動和粗重工作
2. 佩戴首飾睡覺
3. 接觸化學品(如香水)
4. 與硬面磨擦

Secrets of jewellery maintenance
What can be done to keep your favourite jewelleries and accessories new as ever?
Let’s take a look at the following tips :
1. Rinse with warm water and air-dry regularly
2. Handle with care
3. Store properly
4. Clean with soft cloth
1. Engage in vigorous sports or manual labour while wearing accessories
2. Sleep while wearing accessories
3. Expose to chemicals (e.g. perfume)
4. Scratch against hard surfaces