公主方形切割約於1960年代由一位來自倫敦嘅切割師Arpad Nagy最先創造,算係歷史比較短嘅切割。

喺真鑽切割中,公主方形可以話係物超所值 — 佢可以保留約80%嘅原料。而其他切割只能保留約40-50%,當原料保留愈少,鑽石成品嘅價格就愈高,所以公主方形價錢會比其他切割來得經濟。


Ever wondered why the princess cut, with its short history, remains one of the industry’s favourite diamond cuts?

The princess cut was first created by Arpad Nagy, a cutter from London in the 1960s. Compared with other diamond cuttings, its history is relatively short.

One may consider princess cut as an “economical” cutting because cutters are able to reuse about 80% of the raw diamond using this cutting method, while they can only reuse 40-50% of the raw diamond using other methods.

Note that due to their multiple facets, princess cut diamonds have a visually larger outline and may seem bigger than other diamond cuttings with the same carat.